Cleanliness: Human bedbugs occur throughout the world. Infestations are considered more common in poorer areas. Maintain good hygiene and keep a clean home and clothing. The same measures apply to flea bites. I guess you should also make sure your pet (dog or cat) is clean and has some sort of deterrent for fleas.
Answered 9/28/2016
Be aware of how you : Can pick them up. Cimex lectularius or the bed bug is a parasite that is nocturnal. It can be transported on your clothing, luggage, second hand furniture etc. You can even get it using public transportation. It can go up to a year without feeding, so that allows it to just sit and wait until it catches a ride on something or someone. If you live in an apartment complex it may move from one unit.
Answered 9/28/2016
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