A member asked:

What is tendonitis?

9 doctors weighed in across 5 answers

Swelling of tendon: -itis means inflammation of. Tendonitis is inflammation ( usually equates to redness, pain, swelling) of a tendon. Often due to overuse or friction due to strenuous activity.

Answered 8/5/2016



Inflammation!: Inflammation of a tendon is tendinitis. A tendon is a structure that attaches muscle to bone. This allows theue to move the joint. When this structure becomes inflamed, tendinitis ensues. Ice, rest and nsaid's are the initial treatments for tendinitis. If these treatments fail, see a board certified orthopaedic surgeon for evaluation.

Answered 10/18/2016


Dr. Laurence Badgley answered

Specializes in General Practice

Soft tissue disorder: Tissues of musculoskeletal system that function to move body & not including bones.  most not seen well enough on mri's to enable distinguishmeant of chronic injury.  includes myofascia, muscles, tendons, & ligaments.  proper diagnosis of chronic injury is difficult, but can be performed.  ultrasound is useful, but best is trained physician. More discussion my chronic pain board on quora.Com.

Answered 11/30/2013



RICE: Rest, ice, compression, elevation.

Answered 3/9/2013


Dr. Randy Baker answered

Specializes in Holistic Medicine

Rest, anti-inflam.: Tendonitis is an inflamed tendon. Rest is important- if it hurts don't do it! to reduce the inflammation many docs give steroid shots but this may weaken tendons; i inject homeopathic traumeel, a safe effective alternative. Traumeel or inflamyar ointment can help too, as can oral anti-iflammatories like zyflamend or meriva (a curcumin extract). Certain supps like manganese, zinc & vit. C help too!

Answered 4/14/2014



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