A member asked:

Two nights in a row was in bed had left sided chest pain accompanied with back pain shortness of breath for about 15-20 min. since then when i walk or do anything i feel winded. seems to get worse as each day passes. im a 29 year old female with two kids.

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Chest pain: Chest pain associated with breathing difficultly could be a sign of serious underlying illness. Need to seek medical care as soon as possible.

Answered 4/21/2018


Dr. Mitchell Cohn answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Several poss. causes: Must consider serious causes like heart or lung problems & rule those out, pronto.Could also be related to hiatal hernia or gerd.Commonly, such pain & shortness of breath can be caused by rib dysfunction.A good history & physical, incl. Osteopathic hands-on exam & appropriate lab & other tests should help determine cause.If it's due to ribs, manipulation might fix it. See your osteopathic dr. Asap.

Answered 6/14/2021



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