A member asked:

What risks can occur from taking clindamycin while on the hcg weight loss program?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Vasu Brown answered

Specializes in Integrative Medicine

Do not use together: When you are sick and need Clindamycin you want to stop your HCG program which is done in cycles anyway. Clindamycin can cause problems by altering gut ecology making gut leaky to toxins which interferes with hypothalamus and HCG acts at these level help with weight loss so it would interfere with progress. Clindamycin also increases the risk of developing c. Diff bacteria in gut - alters GI ecolo.

Answered 12/9/2014


Dr. Marsha Davis answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

None: Clindamycin has no fat and won't slow your progress. Stick strictly to the plan and be sure to drink all your water! good lick!

Answered 6/24/2014



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