A member asked:

What causes creatinine kinase levels to rise with muscle weakness?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Mark Fisher answered

Specializes in Neurology

Damage to muscle: The correct term is creatine kinase (ck). Creatinine is something else. Useful to know: most "muscle" weakness is actually caused by nerve, not muscle, malfunction. True muscle weakess: myocytes (muscle cells) contain lots of the enzyme ck. Low levels are found in blood normally. Damage to myocyte cell membranes from a variety of causes causes leakage of ck into the blood. Recovery->normalization.

Answered 9/7/2016



Muscle damage: Damage to muscle (including heart)tissue, causes the release of creatinine kinase into the blood stream. The damaged muscle is weaker as a result. The creatinine kinase (CPK) levels are increased in a heart attack, muscle injury/inflammation, or due to taking statin medications. Talk to your doctor for clarification.

Answered 9/12/2018



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