A member asked:

Does anyone know how to find a mohs dermatology office?

12 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

ACMS website: Be certain to choose someone who has completed a 1-2 year fellowship that is recognized by the american college of mohs micrographic surgery. You can visit their website to help you find someone close to you. The website is www.Mohscollege.Org.

Answered 12/9/2013



Mohs College (ACMS): It is important that you verify that your mohs surgeon is recognized as a fellowship-trained surgeon. Only members of the american college of mohs surgery (acms) are fellowship trained to perform mohs surgery. All members and fellows of the acms are listed on their website directory. The link to the acms website: http://www.Mohscollege.Org/.

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. Fawn Winkelman answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Finding a doctor: There are many ways to find a moh's surgeon. You can ask your dermatologist for a recommendation or you can look on the american academy of dermatology (aad) website or the american college of moh's (acms) surgery website.

Answered 10/8/2020



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