Inhibits bacteria: Xylitol is a 5-carbon alcohol sugar that cavity causing germs can not use to grow and multiply. The cavity causing germs release enamel destroying acids when they metabolize sugars eaten in one's diet. They can not do this with xylitol.
Answered 9/28/2016
Acid reduction: Xylitol is not metabolized by bacteria, due to it's structure. Tooth-decay, caused by streptococccus mutans increases acid in the mouth. Xylitol has a sweet, cool effect which causes additional saliva production & increases the ph in the mouth. Bacteria is prevented from creating acids which damage teeth with regular use of xylitol, helping to avoid cavities, fillings, crowns & root canals.
Answered 7/21/2012
Xylitol: Xylitol is an alcohol sugar that the bacteria that cause cavities can't use for food. They die and then can't secrete their acids tk make cavities.
Answered 4/22/2013
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