A member asked:

I am 21 year old. i am an engineer .because of thinness i look very ugly. how do i increase my body size?

8 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Thin build: If you were genetically born to be thin, there is not much you can do about it. Provided you maintain a healthy diet abiding by consumption of correct calorie and nutrient requirements, you may be able to enhance your look by engaging in physical activities to promote muscle growth. Working out5-7x a week ( both isotonic and isometric exercises) will improve muscle tone and increase muscle girth.

Answered 11/16/2016



Focus on fitness: Your bone structure is established. Many women prefer a lighter-boned man. You want to put on some muscle, which you can do with a combination of cardiovascular / aerobic and resistance training. You don't need any body fat and there's no magic diet or pill. Many (most?) women prefer the guys in the photo to muscle-heads. Hit the gym; if you have body dysmorphic disorder, we can treat it.

Answered 11/20/2016



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