Determine cause: Pleural effusions, or fluid build-up around the lungs, is not normal. Pleural effusions can arise from infection, heart failure, liver failure, malignancies or trauma. The treatment will depend on the cause. Your doctor will need to run some tests and may need to sample some of the fluid to characterize it. If there is a lot of fluid and you are symptomatic, thoracentesis may be required.
Answered 2/28/2017
Collection of fluid: Plural cavity ( the space around lungs) normally will have very small amount fluid for lubrication around the lungs and chest wall. When detectable amount accumulates could be due to cancer cells deposits or could be due to heart&lung diseases( non cancers).
Answered 1/27/2014
See below: A pleural effusion is an abnormal build up of fluid in the pleural space
Answered 5/26/2017
Fluid: Pleural effusion is fluid build up around the lung. If the fluid is large it can compress the lung. Fluid build up around the lung can come from pneumonia, infection, heart disease, less likely from a traumatic injury.
Answered 12/17/2017
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