Maybe: It depends on how old it is. You could well need a new mask and tubing. You want to make sure the machine is working, of course. It is a good idea to do a repeat sleep study now and then to make sure you don't need to adjust your pressure.
Answered 10/3/2016
Yes, but new is ok: If you have an old CPAP machine, i assume that you saw a md, had a sleep test etc. But if that was a long time ago, your condition may have changed, and you should probably have a new workup. Plus, new machines are so much quieter and much more comfortable. Talk to your md about a new study and an upgrade to first class!
Answered 6/10/2014
Depends: I would ask my doctor about getting a new sleep study to determine if your numbers as far a sleep apnea have changed. I would not just put the machine on after a long while and expect it to deliver the same results.
Answered 12/9/2013
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