A member asked:

What to do if i have sleep apnea. does medicare cover an auto adjusting cpap machine?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Arnon Rubin answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Yes medicare covers: OSA is a recognized medical condtion. You do need a formal sleep study documenting osa. Once it is formally diagnosed medicare will cover a cpap machine. One can get an auto titrating/ adjusting machine vs undergoing a formal theraputic cpap study and then get a cpap machine.

Answered 12/21/2016


Dr. Louis Gallia answered

Specializes in Surgery - Oral & Maxillofacial

Yes: Yes. Start with evaluation with a board certified sleep doc. You will be set up for sleep studies. Once condition is documented, Medicare with cover auto adjusting CPAP machine.

Answered 12/21/2016



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