A member asked:

When is total parenteral nutrition necessary?

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Gutti Rao answered

Specializes in Hospital-based practice

TPN: Parenteral nutrition is necessary when a person cannot take anything by mouth due to small intestinal diseases such as obstruction, crohn's disease, acute pancreatitis etc.

Answered 7/4/2012


Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Necessary...: Total parenteral nutrition, tpn, is needed when the gut is not functional for any reason. There are many scenarios when it becomes necessary including post-op from a surgery on the intestines, massive trauma, infections causing massive vommiting, hyperemesis of pregnancy, etc.

Answered 3/26/2013


Dr. Martin Fried answered

Specializes in Nutrition

No use GUT: when you are unable to absorb your food from your intestinal tract, then TPN is necessary. Examples might include after intestinal surgery of a large part of the small intestines. During cancer chemotherapy, the chemotherapy causes such severe damage to the intestinal tract, TPN might be indicated for ongoing nutritional support.

Answered 2/13/2015



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