A member asked:

I m going to start cycling to and from work for extra exercise. what precautions should i take?

8 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Wear a helmet: Observe traffic rules for motor vehicles. Drivers get confused when cyclists sometimes act like cars and other times like pedestrians. Follow the rules for cars: stop at red lights, signal before you turn, and ride as far to the right as you can or in a designated bike lane. Whenever possible, make eye contact with drivers who are pulling out into traffic. And please wear a helmet.

Answered 5/16/2016



Watch safety: Analyze the safety of the route. Wear very bright reflective clothing, have good lights, a good helmet of course, and be sure to have a rear view mirror and be cautious of intersections. The biggest hazard is being hit by a car. If you are not used to cycling, work up to the distance you will be travelling before cycling to and from work. Avoid cycling in bad weather.

Answered 11/28/2013



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