A member asked:

Any side effects from supartz (hyaluronic acid) injections?

8 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Most likely: All medications can have side effect.

Answered 5/14/2019


Dr. Bertrand Kaper answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Reconstructive Surgery

Very rare: Supartz (hyaluronic acid) injections are a type of "visco-supplementation" treatment for knee arthritis. Side effects are exceeding rare, but any injection into the knee joint could introduce an infection or cause an inflammatory reaction to occur. I have used supartz (hyaluronic acid) in my practice for nearly 14 years on a regular basis without any documented side effects.

Answered 3/24/2020


Dr. Gregory Harvey answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

Supartz (hyaluronic acid): Yes sometimes you can get an inflammatory reaction from the injection with some swelling and pain. This will usually resolve. Also if you have an allergy to eggs, supartz (hyaluronic acid) may be a problem.

Answered 9/28/2016



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