Pain and bleeding: The classic signs of an ectopic pregnancy are pelvic pain (usually worse on one side), and spotting in early pregnancy. If you suspect that you might have an ectopic pregnancy, see a doctor right away so that s/he can determine where your pregnancy is growing and if there is a problem. Ectopic pregnancies can be treated without surgery if found early enough, but can be life-threatening otherwise.
Answered 5/19/2017
Well,: Usually you have the normal signs of pregnancy: morning sickness, tender breasts and missed period. Ectopic pregnancy could manifest with vaginal bleeding but the usually the presenting symptom is severe abdominal pain due the tubal rupture and bleeding in abdominal cavity. If severe one can go in shock as well, depending of the bleeding. This is usually a medical emergency!
Answered 11/18/2013
Bleeding and pain: Signs and symptoms ectopic pregnancy: Light vaginal bleeding Nausea and vomiting with pain Lower abdominal pain Sharp abdominal cramps Pain on one side of your body Dizziness or weakness Pain in your shoulder, neck, or rectum If the fallopian tube ruptures, the pain and bleeding could be severe enough to cause fainting. For more info:
Answered 10/4/2016
Pain and bleeding: Some women do not have any symptoms at all. Typically women will miss their scheduled period, have some spotting, a positve pregnancy test and have pain in their abdomen. If you are concerned you have an ectopic, you should call your provider right away, as this can be emergent.
Answered 6/2/2014
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