Yes: As long as the patient is not on nitroglycerine, there is no contraindication to viagra (sildenafil) related to atrial fibrillation.
Answered 2/25/2019
Yes: As long as you are not taking it together with medications that can lower the blood pressure (such as nitrates), you should be fine.
Answered 5/2/2016
Yep: Just stay away from levitra (vardenafil). Cialis and viagra should be fine. The reason has to do with potential interactions with meds used to control fibrillation.
Answered 2/9/2021
Yes: Unless you're taking nitrates for some other condition, viagra should be fine. I recommend my patients avoid Levitra (vardenafil) (tadalafil) because it can interact with certain rhythm drugs many docs use for afib. Viagra and Cialis don't have this effect. Nobody's ever died from the interaction but better to avoid the issue. While you're at it, look into the differences in cost and action of viagra v cialis.
Answered 2/2/2021
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