A member asked:

I was cutting rubber matting and pulling hard with my hand and arm now my right index finger and thumb have been numb for 2 days i did not cut them?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. M. Hytham Beck answered

Specializes in Surgery

Carpel tunnel: you might strain your wrist and cause inflamation in the ligament and edema that will place pressure on the median nerve and cause numbness take ibuprofen and rest your hand if no improvment in 48 hours see a doctor for NCT and EMG GOOD LUCK

Answered 12/8/2014


Dr. Katharine Cox answered

Specializes in Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Nerve: There may be a nerve that you pulled or stretched. This type of injury generally recovers as the nerve recovers. You should regain the sensation in your hand. It is important not to re injure the same area. See you doctor for an exam and recommendations for healing.

Answered 12/8/2014



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