Need UA and culture: Need a good evaluation and exam by a local primary care or gynecologist to help establish a good treatment plan for your symptoms
Answered 12/1/2014
Go see ur family doc: Typically we don't worry too much about urine odor. However, frequent painful urination needs to be evaluated for possible bladder infection. Chronic cystitis needs to be evaluated further looking for other masquerading conditions esp interstitial cystitis. Fish odor is more typically associated w/bacterial vaginosis ( Go see ur family doc
Answered 4/9/2017
Smelly urine: You should scheduled an appointment with your PCP for an urinalysis to rule-out and "UTI" or any other urinary or genital concerns.
Answered 12/14/2014
Need to see your: pediatrician and have a urinalysis done, and further testing. First see what comes out of the urinalysis in relation to your chronic cystitis. If there is bacteria found, it will have to be treated.
Answered 12/1/2014
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4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
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