A member asked:

What systems does lupus nephritis affect?

11 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

The kidney: Lupus nephritis is a term for kidney involvement by SLE (Lupus). There are different type of kidney involvement which we call glomerulonephritis. A kidney biopsy will define the kidney diagnosis and this will decide the type of therapy that is best. The treatment will also be influenced by what the other manifestations of the lupus there are. A rheumatologist will guide therapy with your MD.

Answered 11/30/2014



Autoimmune, systemic: Lupus can affect any part of the body. Common symptoms - joint pains, facial rash, photosensitivity, mouth ulcers, hair loss. Organ involvement usually kidney, brain, heart can occur

Answered 5/7/2015



Many : SLE is an autoimmune disorder and can effect many systems. Skin and hair, kidneys, blood, joints, lining of heart and lung, brain to name a few. Not all patients have every organ involvement.

Answered 6/14/2015



The kidney: Lupus nephritis by definition is the kidney and this is the system affected. However, SLE rarely just affects the kidney alone and other systems including skin, joints, heart, lungs, nervous system, an also be affected by lupus. Lupus nephritis requires major treatment by a specialist.

Answered 12/2/2014



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