A member asked:

Pain in right shoulder blade. circular motion with head cause pain in neck when i go to the right. heart attack, lung cancer or just muscle sore?

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Mark Weston answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Spine Surgery

Or pinched nerve : Sholde pain with neck motion can be a pinched c5nerve root pain shoulder pain with neck extension is called spurlings maneuver usually a bone spur or disc herniation at c45 something to consider see a doctor physical exam very well could be a sore muscle esp if tender to palpation

Answered 11/22/2014


Dr. Richard Zimon answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

May be Cervical: Disc at c6-7 level! You need an exam and possibly MRI of your cervical spine. A prolapsed or bulging disc at the C6-C7 level may be causing your symptoms (can cause chest pain as well! Hope this helps Dr Z

Answered 6/1/2018



No heart attack: The pain probably is due to joint or muscle and is not heart attack ,so you should see your doctor for evaluation and treatment.

Answered 11/11/2015



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