A member asked:

Loose stool for 16 days. called dr he said sounded like gastroenteritis said to take imodium (loperamide). it helped at first but watery stools are back.

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Repeat; get checked: You can try the Imodium (loperamide) for another day. If no relief, then see your clinician again. Have you recently taken antibiotics? If so, you may have C. dificile infection and require a different antibiotic to clear the diarrhea. Hope that helps.

Answered 5/1/2018



Get evaluation: See your doc for a stool.test to see if you have a clostridia difficile overgrowth. This,could,be your diet,,viral gastroenteritis, irritable bowel, mal absorption syndrome,, paracites, or a myriad of,other problems. A good exam will produce the correct diagnosis and treatment can begin.

Answered 5/1/2018


Dr. Oscar Novick answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Loose stools: After 16 dys its time for you to have a workup starting with a stool culture. See a gastroenterologist for a further workup

Answered 5/1/2018



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