Many: Researchers and physicians use a variety of diagnostic imaging techniques and chemical and metabolic analyses to detect, manage, and treat neurological disease. Common tests include: blood lab work, genetic testing, neuro exam, x-rays, mri, ct scans, angiography, biopsy, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, emg, eeg and pet scanning.
Answered 6/5/2015
PET scan...: Pet and spect scans can be helpful in mapping seizure foci. Ictal or interictal scans can be performed.
Answered 10/29/2013
EEG and imaging: The most common tests are an electroencephalogram -EEG, and neuroimaging, usually MRI. When seizures are hard to control, ambulatory EEG. If surgery is considered PET scanning may be considered.
Answered 6/4/2015
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