A member asked:

Why do i feel like my dislocated shoulder never heals? its been almost a year &it still hurts everynow &than &feels out of place too.

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Nayana Trivedi answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Consult Orthopedist.: Hope you had a thorough Physical Therapy and you are continuing it at home to strengthen your Rotator cuff to prevent the recurrent dislocation. Are you doing the repeated activities where in your shoulder joint is repeatedly used like Pitching the ball?

Answered 11/8/2014



Need evaluation: You have to go back to your orthopedic surgeon , need evaluation and tests ( like MRI ) healed or not . In some may need surgery for recurrent dislocation of shoulder

Answered 11/8/2014


Dr. Milton Alvis, jr answered

Specializes in Preventive Medicine

Probably because it: is still at least partially dislocated, or other additional residual tendon or muscle problem persists. Anatomy always builds based on pre-existing anatomy. Thus once a change in anatomy occurs, that alters the subsequent anatomy which will no longer match the previous. Orthopedic surgeons work to get the major structures back near their original locations but are unable to restore the original.

Answered 11/8/2014



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