A member asked:

What are the common symptoms of testicular atrophy?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Alvin Lin answered

Small/shrunk testes: Check out http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/161858.php for difference btwn sign vs symptom. Typically, you (as patient) report symptoms while we (as docs) note signs, although some conditions such as small/shrunk testes can be both. Of note, testicular atrophy is usually painless & insidious. It's also commonly associated w/unmonitored testicular replacement therapy. Go see your family doc

Answered 11/10/2014


Dr. James Lin answered

Here are some ...: The testes of "mature" atrophy - usually by diseases such as infection / inflammation / misuse of testosterone / hypothalamic dysfunction, etc. are most likely painless but smaller and softer than the "normal" one or the usual, but may result in affecting sperm production leading to low sperm count and concentration - infertility & reducing testosterone secretion leading to hypogonadism - ED, low

Answered 11/10/2014



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