A member asked:

Wife left me and i am unable to eat. if i do, i throw it up. i have a headache, nausea and loss of appetite. only xanax gives relieve. how to maintain weight - high calorie shakes? also is it normal to lose up to 2-4lbs a day when not eating as much and b

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Acute Anxiety: I am so sorry to hear this.This is one of the most traumatic events in life as you are finding out. I know from similar experience. You need someone to talk to, a close friend a coworker, preferable someone who has gone through this. You need, although you don't want to, a therapist. Eat whatever you can, and I mean anything right now, shakes, burgers, anything that you can. Good luck to you!!

Answered 7/23/2015



Traumatic Experience: It sounds as if you are going through a traumatic experience. You appear to depressed and quite anxious. You should see a psychiatrist and work out a treatment plan that will include therapy and medication at this time. Xanax (alprazolam) is short acting and is easy to become dependent on over time. A longer acting medication with therapy support should be considered. The weight issue also has be followed .

Answered 7/23/2015



Please get seen now: You need a relationship with someone who can help -- a physician and hopefully a team of helpers. You're not alone, and your very survival depends on your letting friends help you. I'm sorry about the failure of your marriage. In the long run, you'll adjust to it, you may learn from the experience and be a better man / husband / lover / father for it, and you may even decide it was a good thing.

Answered 5/14/2016



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