A member asked:

If a normal respiratory rate is 12-20 breathes per minute for an adult, and mine is about 6-9. is this healthy? i do not have any medical conditions.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Measurement bias?: If you are not having any symptoms it is not likely a problem but might be a bias as you know that they are being counted. Generally respiratory rates that low only occur from conscious effort or overdoses on medications.

Answered 1/7/2015


Dr. Stuart Hickerson answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Respiratory rate: If you are fit any you have a low resting pulse rate your respiratory rate may be low too. The amount of oxygen you breath in per breath or your ventilation volume is a factor to. If you feel good I do not see this as a problem.

Answered 9/13/2014



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