A member asked:

Is it worth tapering down from .25 mg of clonazapam or can i just quit the medication after i run out?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

To taper or not: Medications like Clonazepam can be quite dangerous to stop all at once. In fact, if you have been taking this medication regularly for an extended period of time and you stop abruptly it can cause a serious condition called delerium tremens or serious withdrawal effects. How long have you been taking this medication? I encourage you to ask your prescribing physician for specific advice.

Answered 9/10/2014



A Proper Taper: What were you on it for and for how long?? Are you taking any other 'medications' (legal or not)? In general, though, tapering is a good idea. Say, 1/2 dose for 2-3 days then 1/2 that then stop. Or, just stop it and see what happens. As long as you haven't been taking it for seizures (at that dose I'd doubt that), if you feel squeaky, take some, then start a taper and proceed as you feel it going.

Answered 9/10/2014



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