A member asked:

I take .25mg of clonazepam for about a year. i was on a full mg but have been tapering off for about 6 mo. anyway, can i eat grapefruit with this medication since im on a low dose? i read some benzodiazepines interact while others dont?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

Go to Drugs.com and enter in the specific pill you are taking and get details. Also enter any other meds your are taking as they can effect how each one is metabolized and change blood levels.

Answered 2/15/2022


Dr. Charles Turck answered

Specializes in Pharmacology

Information here is sparse. You’re correct about grapefruit affecting some meds in the same family. Drug checking tools say there’s no known interaction, but other literature suggests there might theoretically be. For someone in your shoes, the best bet might be to approach it cautiously - to try a little bit and see how they respond in the next few hours before trying more.

Answered 2/25/2022



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