A member asked:

Is it normal for a 10 week old infant who is exclusively breastfed to not have had a bowel movement in two days?

12 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Normal: Your infant is likely experiencing a growth spurt. This is common for infants during this age period. They are so effectively using your breast milk that very little stool will pass sometimes for many days. You may also notice your baby wanting to nurse more often. This is your baby's way to increase your milk supply. Contact your doctor if your baby does not have stool for a wk or blood.

Answered 4/28/2016



Yes: Many exclusively breast fed infants poop as often as 10-12 times a day in the beginning but by two months can stool as little as once a week. When they go they will fill several diapers...Your child is wonderfully normal.

Answered 9/29/2017


Dr. Jay Park answered

Usually so: As long as infant remains active, playful without vomiting or abdominal distention, it is unlikely baby has any serious problem inside abdomen. Wait it out for another 2-3 days. Infrequent bowel movement in breast-fed infants over 1 month old is fairly common.

Answered 3/31/2014



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