A member asked:

Have been having intervals of numbness and burning in hands feet and lower legs. seems progressive and more consistent. ideas of causes?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Melissa Gowans answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Talk to your doctor: If you have numbness in your hands and feet, do not ignore it. Intermittent or persistent numbness is a common neurological symptom resulting from damage to the nerves. It may be caused by diseases of the nerves themselves or it may be the result of systemic illnesses. These are symptoms that shouldn't be ignored. Talk with your doctor about what you are experiencing.

Answered 8/8/2014


Dr. Joyce Pastore answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Neuropathy: See your doctor to determine if the meds you are taking can cause these symptoms. Get checked for diabetes as this may be diabetic neuropathy. Could also be idiopathic neuropathy - which means unknown cause. There are meds that can help such as gabapentin.

Answered 8/8/2014



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