A member asked:

Are shudder attacks like having epilepsy? or is it like having tic?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Involuntary movement: This is a great question. A sudden shuddering can be caused by a kind of seizure. This is not the only cause. It is also something that is like a tic- normally other tics would be noticed. There are even causes related to the chemicals in the blood stream, medicine side effects, and even effects from emotional issues. An EEG test can evaluate for the possibility of seizures in this case

Answered 5/23/2016


Dr. Jalal Zuberi answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

More like a tic: Shudder attacks are often benign sudden movements of a group of muscles to cause twitching where as in typical epilepsy you get a series of tonic clonic repetitive jerky movements of upper and lower limbs with frothing from mouth and change in mental status.

Answered 8/6/2014



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