A member asked:

I seem to always get uti's, is there a way to stop this? i also have had kidney stones for 8 years.

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Recurrent UTI's: Speak to a urologist (u) to see if you have some problem(s) with your urinary tract (ut) causing you to have frequent uti's. These are rather more frequent in females and if the u finds a problem in your ut on examination and relieves it, you may be able to prevent a recurrence of a uti. Females may also have UTI's after sex. If you do have intercourse, try to urinate soon as possible after it

Answered 7/31/2014



Frequent UTIs: I would recommend you see a urologist for office of valuation of recurring and/or frequent urinary tract infections. In addition, you need to know what your status currently is with kidney stones. It is possible the stones could be harboring infection especially if they're large.

Answered 8/6/2014



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