A member asked:

I'm having loose stools about twice a day. no blood. sometimes the water is cloudy after a bowel movement lots if gas. i'm normally healthy. ?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Probably okay: The loose stools is probably a function of fiber intake. Without blood or pain or cramping the likelihood of a significant disorder is unlikely. However, if you have not had a recent colonoscopy I would suggest that as an evaluation.

Answered 4/12/2021


Dr. Rebecca Gliksman answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Additional questions: How long is this been going on?Did it start after eating somewhere? Have you taken anything? Is the stool watery or muddy or just unformed? pain? Any medical problems? Loose stool can be related to infection,keep hydrated with water/ gaterade( diet if diabetic). Use probiotics.Avoid dairy.Eat white rice, bananas, applesauce. If diarrhea is bloody, > 8-9/day ,fever,more pain see a doctor

Answered 10/18/2020



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