A member asked:

Chest pain.slight pressure after running. norm work up,ekg,stress,echo n holt. 28, 5'6" 152.no fam hist.no smoke.are these sym my heart still? worried

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Heart pain: Everything in life has risk and benefits. For example, if you get in your car to go to work there is a risk associated with getting in your car. However, you accept that risk because you benefit more than the risk by going to work. In your situation the risk that you have heart disease is minuscule with that history and work up. I would pursue other causes for your pain other than your heart.

Answered 7/30/2014


Dr. Ravinder Nagpaul answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

You are ok: If all the basic cardiac work up and tests, as you mentioned are normal, less likely any cardiac condition is there. Be relax and enjoy! If still your symptoms persist see your cardiologist fo further workup if indicated

Answered 7/30/2014



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