A member asked:

I have hemoglobin 10.6 (low).i have iron serum of 25 micrograms.dl. unsaturated ibc 358 high, total tibc 383(normal) and % iron sat 7%.my rbc normal , (mcv mch, mchc) low and rdw high is it ida/acd?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Gregory Politzer answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Iron deficiency: Looks like iron deficiency anemia. You could take iron supplements (along with a stool softener since iron can cause constipation), and increase iron in your diet (red meat, egg yolks, red beans, etc).

Answered 5/8/2016


Dr. Charles Gordon answered

Specializes in Adolescent Medicine

Anemia causes: Lots of reasons for anemia. You do have a low iron. First take more iron and vit C for 3 months and recheck. If that doesn't work you need a full workup.

Answered 2/15/2016



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