A member asked:

4 weeks after metatarsal break i am in tennis shoe & another 4 weeks in a "regular shoe." will i have to wear flat shoes for life? i like high heels.

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Peter Ihle answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

Well when all is....: ...healed, U just give it a shot. start with 1" than2" and proceed upwards Ur foot will tell U enough is enough, when U hit a height limit. don't start out with 4" heels, U need 2 allow Ur foot 2 adjust 2 each height, so wear then 2-3 weeks, if ok step up. it is possible U won't B able 2, but only trying with a slow progression will tell.

Answered 7/27/2014



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