A member asked:

I don't have a sore throat but my palate is sore and there are 2 big red spots just above the uvula. swallowing isn't difficult but hurts my mouth?

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Likely virus: Likely to be a viral infection- should improve without treatment within 2 weeks. If spots enlarge it become very painful, see your doctor

Answered 1/24/2021


Dr. Kyon Hood answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Possibly viral: If the red spots develop into what look like small blisters or ulcers, then these are almost certainly viral in nature. If the red spots are almost pinpoint, deep red and spread, and the back of the throat gets more red, this could suggest strep throat. Either way, if there is no improvement in the next 2-3 days, or if your symptoms worsen, you should be examined by a physician.

Answered 2/2/2018


Dr. Marsha Davis answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

May be like : Cold sores .?try gargling with warm salt water. If it gets bad it could be another virus and in he us we use prescription mouthwashes that are compounded for pain relif so you would have to see the doctor

Answered 7/13/2017



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