Insect bites: Insect bites in certain areas are more likely to swell up- around the eyelids, on the fingers, on the penis, on the ears. But if it looks like the redness is spreading, he should be checked to make sure it isn't getting infected.
Answered 7/23/2018
Can be : Insect bites near the eye usually get pretty swollen & red.Typically we just use Benadryl (diphenhydramine) & cold compresses. HOWEVER infection can look exactly the same. The only way to know for sure is to see a physician
Answered 7/23/2018
Common issue: Bug bites anywhere around the eye can often trigger painless swelling and faint color change (pink). It may take a day or so to develop and take several days to go away. If the area becomes purplish, the bite oozes or the site becomes hot, have it seen.
Answered 6/25/2018
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