A member asked:

Advice for a cranky baby that's teething? he has never been cranky. no fever. he is 6 months old and drools to the point where a bit of mouth rash

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Cindy Williams answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Teething. : Teething pain can make babies cranky, but it shouldn't be as bad as it sounds. 6 months usually means first teeth; I'm guessing. Drooling can also be a sign of sore throat, even without fever. If pain medicine isn't working; see your doctor. If the rash is on the skin around the mouth; try some ointment, to try to keep it waterproofed. If is on the lips or inside the mouth; it's not from teething.

Answered 7/5/2014



Frustrating: No matter what we do babies will be cranky when they teeth. It hurts. make sure to keep baby hydrated. Get 2 teething rings ad put them into the refrigerator to chill. Give one to the baby and alternate when it warms up. You may want to talk to a Pedodontist, a pediatric dental specialist, about available OTC products. Be patient, this is only temporary.

Answered 1/22/2020



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