A member asked:

My boyfriend has kidney stones he doesnt know what kind he has if they are oxlataes or acid ones what type of foods can he eat and not eat ?

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Depends: If stones are calcium and he has only had one occurrence shoud really not need to avoid anything specific. If everyone in his family has calcium stones and this is like his 3rd occurrence he shoud be evaluated for a familial condition that requires medicine. As far as Uris acid stones often times u will be precribed a purine free diet. It is extensive so google this to get more information

Answered 7/3/2014


Dr. Sabry Mansour answered

Specializes in Urology

Water: The most important thing is to drink plenty of water and lemonade throughout the day (more than 2.5-3 liters), maintain a low salt and a balanced diet. Cutting down animal protein also can help. Next time he passes a stone, make sure he tries to retrieve it to get it analyzed. A 24 hour urine collection for a stone panel also may help identify some of the problems.

Answered 7/3/2014



Discuss : Talk to the doctor that has the report of the stone analysis if it was done.

Answered 7/1/2014



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