Boil: Use warm compresses and soak the boil in warm water to help draw the pus to the surface. Once the boil comes to a head, it will burst with repeated soakings within 10 days. When the boil starts draining, wash it with an antibacterial soap until all the pus is gone and clean with rubbing alcohol. Apply a medicated ointment (topical antibiotic) and a bandage. If fever or redness around boil, see Dr.
Answered 6/28/2014
See your primary: It sounds like the hospital did not find anything dangerous, but that does not mean that your son is himself. Your primary doc should see you and run tests and monitor to see what might be going on that is not an emergency. It sounds like he is not acting himself, and the doc will help you figure it out.
Answered 6/28/2014
Visit PMD: Your son needs to be taken to his primary doctor for a thorough evaluation. I'm not sure what kind of labs were done earlier but he needs to be looked at again by a doctor to make sure there are no serious underlying issues.
Answered 6/7/2017
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