Many: Patient centered websites- head neck cancer alliance (headandneck.Org) or sponc (spohnc.Org) can give info on local support groups, treatments & trials. Rehab options include reconstruction (speech devices, plastic surgery); medications for dry mouth, appetite stimulation, chronic pain; exercises for swallowing & lymphedema; nutrition and psychosocial services are available at doctors offfices.
Answered 2/2/2015
Head & Neck Cancer: You should consult with your doctors about support groups in your local area; many are avlaibale online. The answer also depends on the type of cancer (e.G, salivary glands, thyroid, oral cancers, etc), and the extent of surgery and residual deficits that need to be addressed( e.g., speech with laryngeal cancers, facial reconstruction, etc). Start with http://www.Spohnc.Org/.
Answered 2/23/2013
Many: It is important to seek out complementary and support services before, during, and after your treatment for head and neck cancer. Depending upon the extent of surgery, radiation, and maybe chemotherapy your needs could vary quite a bit. Speech and swallowing evals and management early are crucial. Nutritional eval. Support groups for sure. Dry mouth management with dental eval. Acupuncture.
Answered 3/23/2015
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