A member asked:

Is head and neck cancer hereditary?

6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Uncommon: There can be a genetic predispostion for families to develop cancer but only a few head and neck cancers (thyroid, endorine neoplasms, neurofibromatosis and some others) are inherited.

Answered 9/28/2016



Usually not: Head/neck cancers are typically environmentally driven- smoking, alcohol, tobacoo chewing, virus infections (hpv and ebv virus) are the causative factors. Some head/neck cancers such as thyroid cancers can be hereditary though.

Answered 1/10/2019



No: Head and neck cancer typically refers to squamous cell cancer in the mouth/throat region and is not hereditary. More ofter associated with smoking, alcohol consumption, and hpv infection.

Answered 4/24/2015



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