A member asked:

Can tension headache cause discomfort in temple and fore head and also cause eye preassure or sometimes get worse when looking down or moving?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes: Tension headaches can compress the occipital nerve which runs from back to front giving you symptoms along the side of the head and even pain behind the eyes. If you are having trouble with your vision or the pain is severe and new please see a doctor.

Answered 6/4/2014


Dr. Paul Grin answered

Specializes in Pain Management

TTH can: Tension type headache. The headaches are usually bilateral and diffuse and often have tenderness in the temples, cervical muscles (neck) as well as the pericranial muscles. Rec.: see orofacial pain/headache specialist for evaluation and treatment.

Answered 6/4/2014



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