Groin lump: All groin lumps should be examined by your health care provider. Causes: Allergic reaction Cancer Drug reaction Harmless (benign) cyst Hernia (usually a soft, large bulge in the groin on one or both sides) Infections in the legs Injury trauma to the groin area Lipomas (harmless fatty growths) Sexually transmitted diseases such as genital herpes, chlamydia, and gonorrhea Swollen lymph glands
Answered 5/21/2014
Should be checked: A 2 year-old with a 2 cm groin lump in a boy could be a lymph node or his testicle. A hernia or hydrocele (fluid-filled lump) is softer, not hard. If it's a lymph node the doctor will check for an injury or infection in the leg, as well as check for other enlarged lymph nodes. The doctor can also see if it's a skin cyst. Lymphoma is very rare in toddlers and should be in more than one lymph node.
Answered 5/22/2014
See your doctor : Definitely beed it checked out. Pediatrician is a good starting pint for a thorough history and exam. Hope this helps!
Answered 3/8/2019
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