A member asked:

Have macular pucker. close up vision test 20/20 but looking straight on at computer is blurry. my guess is central vision at computer is 20/40 but eye exam isn't picking it up. how can it be measured?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Optomalogist: Would check on standard over the counter reading glasses. If you vision is better, good. If not see your Optomalogist.

Answered 2/1/2015


Dr. Colin McCannel answered

Specializes in Retinal Surgery

Computer glasses: The term computer glasses is used to refer to glasses that bring things into focus (sharp vision) that are not at reading distance, but slightly farther away. It turns out that reading distance for a book etc. is shorter than where the computer screen is typically. The cataract and pucker may not have much to do with the problem of see in

Answered 2/1/2015



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