A member asked:

I have mild sleep apnea and the cpap machine hasn't improved my symptoms. i still wake up tired, unrefreshed, and fatigued. what could be causing this?

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

See below: please see your pulmonologist it could be something as simple as readjusting your pressure support on your machine. The other consideration is Pristiq (desvenlafaxine) causes insomnia and fatigue is one of its side effects.I have a you patients have suffered from this. Please see your doctor for follow up it's important.

Answered 12/19/2016


Dr. Louis Gallia answered

Specializes in Surgery - Oral & Maxillofacial

Other causes: There are other causes for your symptoms. Ask your sleep doctor for advice.

Answered 12/1/2021



Talk to your Sleep MD to discuss the option of combination treatment of a CPAP + Oral Appliance made by a DENTIST. There are two types; a traditional Mandibular Advancement Device and an Epigenetic Oral Appliance. Both bring your lower jaw forward to open up your airway so you can breathe better at night. When you lay down, your tongue may fall back into your airway causing obstruction. Take Care

Answered 12/1/2021



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