A member asked:

Why do you have epicanthal folds?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Look at this picture: An epicanthal fold is a skin fold from your upper eyelid that slightly covers the inside corner of your eye. Here is a good link: http://www.Nationwidechildrens.Org/epicanthal-folds. Many Asian people have epicanthal folds, and in non-asians they are not uncommon. They are one of the many minor ways in which our bodies differ one from another.

Answered 10/20/2017


Dr. Larry Nichter answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

Epicanthal Fold Def: An epicanthal fold refers to skin fold from your upper eyelid that covers part of the inside corner of your eye. It is most common in asians.

Answered 9/15/2013



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