A member asked:

4 days of constant right thigh muscle twitch. now my eye, left calf and arm are twitching randomly. metabolic screen normal. im hydrated, suggestions?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Probably benign: If the initial bloodwork seems to be okay then, that is a good sign. Possibilities for a cause are numerous but could include fatigue, overexertion, increased caffeine or other medication use, new medications or interactions between medications, and of course stress and anxiety i'd hang in there for a few more days and go about your normal routine. If things escalate talk to your doctor.

Answered 11/28/2017



Muscle twitching: Was a serum calcium level determined in the work up? These diverse non localizing symptoms can represent a manifestation of fatigue, anxiety, tension, and stress or a medication change. Take a closer look at your personal life and see if there is an unexplained explanation.

Answered 3/3/2015



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