A member asked:

I noticed i have a bump (flesh colored) on my palatoglossal arch. its been there fore 3 weeks. i have had a sore throat, mild ear ache, tonsil stones, ?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Stone?: I would suggest an evaluation with your primary or an ear, nose and throat physician. What you describe sounds like a tonsillar crypt which can cause discomfort and sometime need to be removed when they do. However, it might be an apthous ulcer and needs to be seen in order to make that diagnosis. If it persists, i would recommend a biopsy which would tell you your answer for sure.

Answered 1/28/2015



Don't have room: Don't have room to list all the possible causes of "bump" on soft tissue. Please see your pcp or an ENT specialist for examination, diagnosis, and treatment plan specific to your problem.

Answered 6/10/2014



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